Brehob Corporation’s Updated Pandemic Policy and Re-Entry Checklist

Valued Customer,

In these concerning times, Brehob Corporation – MI-OH-IN-KY market areas continue to work hard to provide an essential service to our customers. Ensuring the Health & Safety of our employees, their families, our customers, vendors and the public, remain our highest priority. Brehob considers your organization as essential in support of our operations during the COVID-19 Outbreak.

To limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect the Health & Safety of our Brehob Family, we are implementing the updated guidance recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at our facilities. These measures include, but not limited to, ensuring Social Distancing and providing frequent Cleaning and Disinfection of our buildings, common areas, and our equipment. We have instituted frequent communication within our organization to keep all employees informed. We have restricted access to our locations and limited movement within. Further, we have asked our employees to provide private, but open, communication of their health conditions and that of people with which they have close, personal contact to their manager. Should one of our locations have a COVID-19 related exposure, we are following CDC guidelines, isolating further exposure, and communicating to others potentially exposed, as necessary.

Now, we are asking for your support of these same efforts for our work at your locations within MI-OH-IN-KY by preparing and providing our COVID-19 Re-Entry Checklist and Pandemic Policy. This plan should address the same action items, social distancing, cleaning and disinfecting, personal hygiene, response actions, and communication details.

Thank you for your continued support during this unprecedented time. Brehob will continue to monitor the rapidly evolving situation and provide updates and additional information.