Detroit Location



At Brehob’s Michigan location in Troy, we’ve been serving the air compressor needs of Detroit and surrounding areas since 2003. With a special emphasis on the medical and automotive industries, our Detroit team can help with everything from air compressor rentals to sales, service, preventative maintenance, and air audits. Need a medical air system or emergency service for an existing system? What about on-site repair? We’ve got you covered. Give us a call today.

Cities Served:

All major metro cities in the Detroit area and lower peninsula, including Troy, Ann Arbor, Pontiac, Battle Creek, and Lansing.


These divisions are represented at the Detroit branch:

Air CompressoR Services

  • Preventative Maintenance

  • Sales & Service of the industry’s top brands (including Quincy, Sullivan, Chicago Pneumatic, Gardner, Ingersoll, Atlas Copco, Sullair, and F.S. Elliott)

  • Air Audits

  • Air Compressor Rentals

  • 24/7/365 Emergency Service

  • On-site Repair

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Apprentice Industrial Air Compressor Technician (Detroit, MI)

Industrial Air Compressor Technician (Detroit, MI)