Hire Brehob as your in-house air compressor expert! Air compressors consume a lot of energy, and almost half of the energy they consume is wasted by unknown leaks and inappropriate use. As an on-demand “extension of your staff,” we’ll take a holistic look at your system to determine how well it is working, and implement measures to continue to monitor your system’s health and performance. Our goal is to ensure that the supply of compressed air is meeting, not exceeding, the demand.
We’ll help develop and implement a customized preventive maintenance protocol for your air compressor products, eliminating unnecessary overhead. There’s no better way to reduce downtime and costs. Our programs are completely customized for each customer based on:
- Specific types of equipment
- Load cycle
- Budget
- Production schedule
Compressed air is your fourth utility! Let us evaluate your system to identify inefficiencies that add unnecessary overhead costs to your facility’s bottom line. Brehob can provide:
Efficiency Study
Get solid data to make decisions. Using the Quincy EQ system, we can quickly evaluate the cost and efficiency of a compressed air system, compare multiple compressor alternatives, and calculate investment paybacks on energy saved. This is an ideal tool for a system walk-through assessment as defined by the Compressed Air Challenge/DOE.
Air Audit
Brehob uses data loggers to track the energy usage of each compressor and system pressure for 7 continuous days. This shows the max, average, and minimum amount of compressed air used, along with the energy used in the system. A detailed report will be provided to you, backed with recommendations based on the findings from your specific system. With this information, you can optimize your system efficiency, and potentially receive rebates from your electric provider.
Air Leak Audit
We will identify, tag, and take photos of all found compressed air leaks. You will be presented with a detailed report accompanied by pictures of each leak. We’ll detail the cost of each leak so you can prioritize repairs accordingly.
Continuous Monitoring
We use sensors and remotely monitor all compressed air equipment, which you’ll be able to view from any computer — at home, at work, or even from other plants. This gives you the ability to see intermittent or recurring issues. The system will also send out alerts when there are system alarms or shut-downs, so you’re aware of problems ahead of time.
Interested in auditing your compressed air system? Call 317-268-2780 to learn how you can lower your overhead costs with an air compressor audit!