Your equipment is a crucial component of effective and efficient operations. If all your machines are running well, then systems tend to run on schedule. But if something goes wrong, it can throw everything off for days, weeks, or even months—depending on how quickly you find the problem and how easily it can be fixed.
In our experiences helping customers across a variety of industries, from healthcare to manufacturing to food services, we’ve come across a few common issues that can end up costing our customers money. Here are our top 4 red flags to keep an eye on:
Missed preventative maintenance
Preventative maintenance should be a no-brainer—it takes care of problems before they pop up—but sometimes busy schedules and tight budgets mean it just isn’t a priority. The risks of missed preventative maintenance include oil issues, loose parts, part weardown, clogged filters, and ultimately, less-efficient machines.
The appropriate preventative maintenance plan is important for any kind of equipment, but our team members in the Electric Division consider it especially important: cleaning drives and doing conveyor maintenance can really make a difference when it comes to keeping things running at peak efficiency. -
Overlooked air leaks
When it comes to decreased efficiency, air leaks are a common culprit—in addition to leaking air, they also tend to leak money! Identifying these leaks when they happen and resolving them quickly will make a big difference in your bottom line. Brehob performs compressed air audits and provides 24/7/365 emergency service to help you stay on top of these issues.
The wrong size equipment
Nobody wants to find they’ve wasted their money on the wrong piece of equipment. One common problem we see is that our customers often underestimate their needs or buy equipment now that quickly becomes insufficient as they grow. Shutting down operations to install new machines—or replacing machines out of which you’ve barely gotten your money’s worth—can quickly drive costs up. In the long run, it’s often more cost-effective to invest in your equipment early so you don’t have to pay more later. Plus, having the wrong size equipment can really bring down your efficiency or productivity. Make sure your equipment is designed to get the maximum result.
Brehob team members are specially equipped to help you pick the right equipment not just for the immediate future, but for scalability, so you match your long term business goals AND budget. -
The lack of backup equipment
While this isn’t necessarily something that might be costing you money today, it can very quickly become a huge expense with very little notice. In every business, there are pieces of equipment that are absolutely integral to operations—if they break down, you’re facing an emergency. It’s important to ensure you have backup machines when you need them, and that these backup machines have been serviced and kept in great shape. With some equipment, it’s as easy as knowing where you can rent a trusted replacement fast (check out Brehob’s air compressor rental information here). With other machines, like cranes and hoists, you might need to have spares on hand.
Cover all your bases! Give Brehob a call at 317-820-2718 today for service, preventative maintenance, equipment audits, and more.